I’m a recycler. I’m far from perfect but feel as a member of my community, my country and my planet, I should at least make some effort to follow the anonymous proverb “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children”.
At times it can feel like a real challenge though. Recently however, amidst my frenetic search for holiday items and the general bustle of Holiday Preparations, I came across something that reminded me of a recycling quandary I fell into last season – HOLIDAY LIGHTS!
I stumbled upon, quite easily, the amazing receptacle below. I was elated to find the website https://stlouisgreen.com/Holiday-Light-Recycling-Drive# that sponsors the drive. And, I have to admit, I’m embarrassed that I discovered they have been running the light recycling drive since 2009!
Check out stlouisgreen.com and try adding a little bit more to your recycling efforts this year!
And for those of us that plan projects, engage the public and key stakeholders and execute action plans on a regular basis – this is a prime example of making participation EASY! In today’s world, efforts to reach the public have to include meeting them ‘where they are’. I was at the grocery store – and it worked!
Happy GREEN Holidays!